Tuesday, 3 November 2015

PHOTOS - Dirtiest Man in the World Goes 60 Years Without Bathing, Says ‘Cleanliness Brings on Illness’

After more than 60 years without taking a bath, this Iranian man has a hard damaged body and mind. These are shocking photos of a man who is living like an isolated animal.
This is Amoo Hadji. For more than 60 years, he has not taken a bath!
Look at the skin and finger nails on this man's hands... It is hard to believe that they belong to a human being.
This 80-year-old man owns a steel pipe that he uses to smoke animal droppings.His body and skin have adapted to extreme conditions. As result, he barely feels with his skin.More than 60 years he lives in the outdoor wilderness that is in Dezhgah, Iran.

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