Wednesday, 2 December 2015

1073 Records presents #Leba by Morientez, Win $1000 + feature in music video

Morientez - Leba (Prod. ODH)Displaying IMG-20151130-WA0000.jpg

Ubido Chukwudi Daniel a.k.a Morientez is signed to 1073 Records a music record label formed by a group of young individuals with the goal of providing a platform for talented Artists and Producers to share their music with Nigeria, and the world at large.

A graduate of chemistry from the University of Benin, Morientez is now out to create a niche for himself in the Nigerian music industry with the release of a new single titled "LEBA", produced by follow label-mate ODH. 1073 Records is about to take you on a journey of good music by enabling you win big in the #LEBA dance competition.

1. Listen to LEBA by Morientz and create a special dance for the song

2. Upload a 15 seconds video of the dance on Instagram and/or Twitter

3. Mention @Morientez234 and @1073records 

4. Add #LEBA and #Morientez to your video caption when you upload

5. 1 Entry per competitor.

- The video adjudged to be the best and most innovative will be chosen as the winner.

- Winner takes home $1000 and will get a chance to be featured in the official video for LEBA.

So be bold, creative, and have fun with this.

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